Im trying to make this simple lounge bed work with constraints. I would like to move the circle and the bed back and stand will follow and rotate to the correct position.
I get to the part where the back of the seat follow the stand, this stand follows the circle. But im not able to everything by using the circle.
Ive parented the stand to the seat back and the stand has a lock track to the circle.
The back of the seat needs to get in a position according to the location of the circle on Y-axis.
You best do this with bones.
Create a bone chain of three bones.
In edit mode: clear parent for Bone.002
In pose mode: add an Inverse Kinematics Constraint to Bone.001 (Target=Armature, Bone=Bone.002)
Set Chain Length to 2, uncheck Stretch
Now parent the geometry to the according bones (Bone and Bone.001)
By animating Bone.002 in y you now can tilt the bed.
If you want to be able to translate the whole bed, add another bone in the same armature which is the parent of Bone and Bone.002
Grabbing this root bone translates the bed.
Okay, i was thinking about this but was curious of constraints could also pull it off. I had a different setup which also was almost done, couldnt figure out the last part to move all with one item.