simple cube map environment reflection script

Hi everybody,
I’m going crazy so solve this… there are a great development works from Martinsh and Moster on fake reflections on object but I’m not able get a simple solution.
I need the simplest script to apply on an object to reflect on it cube env map precalculated working on BGE… is it possible?

thanks a lot

Have you tried applying a texture and set the texture co-ordinate to reflection (not UV)?
Otherwise it would be worth while looking at node materials (for BGE).

yes, of course… I tried every mapping methods … I think the only way is to use a script :frowning:

What happens that you don’t expect when the cubemap is a reflection texture?


ok, I create a simple test scene… as you can see, if I change point of view (on sphere is clear) nothing change in reflection map using mapping “reflection”… I think is not a cube mapping but a simple plane mapping…

this tutorial seems perfect ( but python shader in sample file doesn’t works :frowning:


He is saying that the simplest view independent image based reflection technique, the dual paraboloid mapping, is not natively supported by blender. It requires only two images instead of six from cube maps and would be nice to have it.