Simple Edge Creasing in Geometry Nodes?

OK, so I have a simple model that contains edge creasing and bevel weighting in Blender 3.2. Normally, if I add a Subdivision modifier to the model, I get the nice sharp edge result I want.
However, I thought that it be nice to be able to control the subdivision using geometry nodes so I toggled off the subdiv modifier temporarily.
But, after adding a Subdivision Surface node to the GN setup, there was no creasing. There is a Crease ‘option’ in the node itself but I have no idea what to plug in to it that has the Edge Crease data.
I tried using a ‘Store Attribute’ node before the ‘Subdivision Surface’ node but Blender crashed when I tried to add to the ‘Name’ field.

I am sure that the solution is simple but I can’t find it anywhere.
So, the question is: Am I blind or is this an actual issue?

Any info would be useful.

Thanks in advance.


pls provide blend file so we know what you did. Thx.

@MixMash :
Drag the Crease noodle to the input group, click on the Input Attribute Toggle in the modifier panel (the button that looks like a cross), and then select the Edge Crease.

Good luck.


YES!! That works. But, I don’t get why the solution is such a roundabout method and why I couldn’t find the solution through a simple search. I’m sure that many people would want to know this info and not just me.

Anyway, like many times in the past, thanks for your help.
