Simple, fake Ambient Occlusion

Greetings, while playing with the color swatch in the material tab, I got this idea and try it, I don’t know if it’s included once the game is compiled…

It suffices to enable the ramp and make a black to white ramp.
On the left, without the ramp, to the right with the ramp.

haha first reply its very funny !
Anyway nice,i also use achieve diferent kinds of results.

!_!.. why do I get spam as first reply?
Thanks BlendingBGE, after checking Martinsh’s SSAO, I see that I got ahead of myself… good thing I didn’t post under the resources sub forum…

Besides, if you want to fake AO with just Colors and no Texture, you can use the Vertex Paint Option for »Dirt« and then blend the Colors by usin’ Nodes. (Keep in Mind that AO and SSAO are two different Things, even though both look good.)

Yes, I plan to use automatic vertex color, but only for advanced texture stencils, and object placement. Maybe, I could use black and white for AO…
Besides, vertex colors wont change the shaded areas, if the light source changes directions! This one does!

Hey, waidaminnit now, tora’s got a good idea here. By doing this with either nodes or ramps, he could animate them and keep that shading, which he points out. It’s always good to know of multiple methods to do something. :wink: