Simple GLSL Realistic Fire

Hi everyone, i have made this fire, the setup is totally basic, but it looks realistic anyway, controls:

WASD: Move camera
Left Mouse: Shoot cube( throw them trought the fire and you will see something…)



realistic fire.blend (187 KB)

thanks socker,

added to

The amount of materials is increasing :slight_smile:

That was fun, looks like a person could make a funny catapult game with that! :yes:

Your fire is awesome!!

Thanks for sharing your blend

I had made a wall, and removed the fire in the middle, then just shot fire balls at the wall and destroyed it, and I made it to where the walls catch on fire and everything burns!

@inferno: .blend please :smiley:

I like the fire, I usually try to keep things out of GLSL because I want my games to run minimum 40 frames per second :slight_smile:

you must combine this with martinsh fire

Good idea!, i will try it

I like the fire, I usually try to keep things out of GLSL because I want my games to run minimum 40 frames per second :slight_smile:

Well to me it runs with maximum 110 FPS and some times 70 FPS

Yeah, for my computer it’s around 60 frames and maximum is 90, but I was talking about when you add lights for shadows. Combined with this, it causes low frame rate.

The reason I don’t use GLSL is because my computer can’t handle it very well :p, so I usually keep everything shadeless and just try to bake shadows XD

I really like the fire, how when I throw a cube at it some sparks come off the side… I want to use it, and I may… I just may…

Thanks for sharing :slight_smile: I didn’t say that in my last post.

Hmm…Where exactly is the settings for giving them an orange color?

If you look at the blend, and if you select an fire particle (Layer 2), you will look that in the Ipo Curve editor, there are some curves, R-G-B, i used them to give the fire a fade effect, and to give them the orange color, is easy just look at the blend

Remnd me later and I’ll upload it, busy right now, all the objects in the scene are dynamic though, you may want to remove a few before running it. Partial pysics test, will upload later.

Like this a lot! Would it be possible to add smoke?

Yes it is, but it would be more hard

Socker, would you mind writing an minitut on how to change to color with the iop editor? I´ve tried doing it but the object just wont change color :confused:

well is pretty easy:

1-Select GLSL mode and Textured Mode
2-Add a Material to your object
3-Set it ObColor
4-Open a window with the ipo Editor
5-You will see 3 Words, ColR,ColG and ColB
6-ColR is red, ColG is green and ColB is blue
7-select one of them and CTRL+click in the ipo editor
8-if you want other colors make the same process as you made with the color that you selected
9-Boila! you can play with color Via IPO
10-Have fun :wink:

That is some cool fire(especially when you fire the blocks through), and it runs at 200+ FPS on my laptop.

Thank you.:yes:

How embarrassing…The reason it “did not work” was because i tried it in the same layer as the “particles”. No wonder the model stayed black. As there are no light sources in there. :o

Edit: Everything works fine until i press play and the model disappears (vissible until i do step 7). I guess it has something to do with any of the alpha options?

mmm try to set the Alpha button in the Curve editor to 1, it should work fine for now :smiley:

hey, how did you do the effect of the cube exploding into flames when it comes iin contact with the fire?

btw, ive been looking for a way to make a fire in blender for ages, and this is definately my favourite, and the most awesomest :smiley: