Simple gun and bullet example and related VFXs

Basic example about how to fire a bullet and make some simple VFXs, all just using only logic bricks.
I made this for a guy who asked me for help so I’m making it available to anyone who might find it useful.
I tag you here @modelinblender so you can download the .blend.
*The file is made in upbge 0.2.5

gun_example.blend (686.5 KB)


For those good with upbge and used to use blender game engine, why doesn’t a basic example like this work in 2.78.

Only an upge file.

yeah, it’s frustrating.
The only way I could make it work in 279 was to open a new empty scene and then append all objects into it.
Then move all sparkles, vfx , bullet to layer 2.

The controls and effects seem to work fine.
gun_example279.blend (654.3 KB)

(additionally I also appended the text and world)

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