Simple IK question

I am not sure of the “correct way” to do it.

You could try this method (the answer marked as solution) it is a little complex but will work well for getting your truck and trailer (or multiple trailers) to follow a curve forwards and backwards.

I also found this Tutorial but it does seem more complex when you get to do the animation and it involves the rigacar addon

EDIT (again!)
I have adapted the file I did for this answer (last year) to include a trailer, it uses the method explained in the stack exchange link.

Here is a new file with a trailer! :smiley:

TrailerCurve.blend (132.2 KB)

you can scroll forwards and backwards, the wheels rotate correctly and the front wheels even turn into the corners (a bit exaggerated but you can tweak that by shortening the front bone and vertices of the drive control object.)

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