Simple Mahjong game in development. Any help on visual stuff?

Team name: Opensource Game Studio.
Project name: Mahjong.
Brief description: Puzzle game with 3D graphics.
Target aim: Freeware.
Compensation: Credits in the “About” menu.
Technology: supports Linux and Windows, makes use of OGRE (OpenGL), CEGUI, OpenAL, ALURE.
Talent needed: artists of any kind.
Team structure: me as a coder and the other guy as a game designer.
Website: Opensource Game Studio
Contacts: my e-mail is kornerr AT GoogleMail.
Previous Work by Team: no team experience before.
Additional Info: This puzzle game is the first step towards reaching the final destination - creation of RPG.
Feedback: ANY.

OGS Mahjong 0.6

Video 1
Video 2
Downloads for Linux and Windows