Simple modeling question

How can i make a solid object like this?

I tried creating a cirle, extruding it upwards and the extrude half of the extruded vertices further up, but I couldn’t figure out how to make a surfeace on top…

select 4 vertices and press “f”
many many times
It may seem like a hassle, but learning to model with points and build faces has felt very freeing to me

Another Suggestion:

1.Add your Circle,
2.Shift+F to fill faces
3.Shif+J (coverts triangle faces to quads) FYI - Ctrl+T is Quads to Triangles

(You may want to rotate the circle now to line up with the grid.)
4. Extrude
5. Move groups of Verts to make your shape.

Thanks mthoenes!
Worked like a charm :slight_smile:

oh my god! YOU COULD CHANGE TRIANGLES TO QUADS? damn. i lost many night remaking my projects cause they didn’t look good in subsurf…sigh…thanks anyway. I surely won’t make the same mistake twice. I’ll try it on cubes too

I Love Blender!

Also, Vank, don’t forget autosmooth in the mesh menu.

Wow I never knew this either. Great tip. Saved.

For whatever reason, I thought converting triangles to quads was not possible in Blender. I scrapped alot of mesh examples that were converted from 3DS for the reason that I could not smooth them properly. FINALLY ! …

great tip