I was wondering if there is anyway to output the shading of toon_diffuse and Specular_diffuse as a colour or fac.
I have the feeling this is a silly question and is not how cycles works… but basically I would like to use it in some custom NPR rendering setups. I have seen some examples using a vector position of a lamp (and a driver to control it) but this is cumbersome and only does one lamp.
I was attempting to recreate this ink shader in cycles:
while I achieved the basic look by using a wave texture as a bump map for a toon shader node, it does not give much control. In BI Node materials you can multiply one material over other materials and use it as a stencil for more interesting results. I want to do the same in cycles.
For anyone interested here is the setup I have:
I hope the question is clear… finding it hard to explain…