Simple Pen(update with shadow)

Just something I whipped up in 20-25 minutes
For some reason it won’t render shadows, it will go as far as the very bottom of the paper then stop before it renders the pen.C&C welcome, and wanted.

perhaps you have a diffrent problem. but shadows are renderd by pressing the shadows button on the render screen.
(next to the big render button)

the pen and paper looks very cool :slight_smile:

but shadows are renderd by pressing the shadows button on the render screen.

I know that!. but it still stops just before it reaches the pen.

wel dunno then.
iif you use spotlights you could check if the shadow range is perhaps lacking.

but besides from that i wouldn’t know.

Could you post a .blend? I’m sure someone could figure out what the problem is with ease if you did.


its REally far away, and its hard for me to make anything out