Simple Utah teapot render

Simple Utah teapot render

Cycles : Samples 4000

updated render enamel finish

Decent render but it lacks some things.
Simple aspects to make your render better:

  • Too much bump. It is actually over the top.
  • Lack of a fresnel input. If you go (in the node material setup) inputs > Layer weight, you find a really cool input to put fresnel values to your objects (normally the input facing works better)

This guy shows what fresnel is, and does:

I dont suggest you to try to understand his node setups, it is pretty advanced and mathematical stuff if you are a beginner. But it is a good video to understand why fresnel is so good.

Also, I dont know if you really needed 4k samples. Maybe because of the HDRI, but still it is too much. I have never needed more than 2k or 2,5k for more complex scenes.

Good luck

Thanks for the advice, hows this looking ?

yeah it is better but I still feel the bump is way too over the top.

But anyway, the render is decent enough :wink: