The pipe is 1.5m long. 1 will be pinned to the water tap, 3 will be pinned to the showerhead. When the showerhead is moved, how can I simulate the pipe to be deformed and follow gravity?
Part #2 is a filter, it won’t be deformed and has a different mass than the other part of the pipe. Same to the 2 heads.
Yes…But you will have to do a few things differently…In essence, you will create the string of vertices add the cloth simulation to that, and then using Hooks and Parenting attach the Hose to the Cloth Simulation…here are more videos that show processes that you will have to merge together to get the effect…
In this last one…if you change the curve to the chain of verticies that have the cloth simulation you can also use the bones…but I think you have far too many bones for the pipe to react to gravity, perhaps reduce the amount down to 3 and subdivide the pipe down its length a LOT of times…One thing to look out for is the bones may cause the simulation to segregate the pipe into sections and it might drop between them…a bone at one end with keyframes would animate the position of the showerhead and a hook modifier on the other to connect to the wall would anchor the pipe…
with the armature, you have used would be for animating each section of the pipe by hand wan it could be done using Bendy or Spring bones…but even the gravity would have to be keyframed…with the cloth simulation you can set the type of material to give more rigidity to the pipe as well as the setting in the cloth simulation…