Simulate light impact with IES light profiles?

Does cycles somehow have the ability to render lighting similar to apps like Dialux?

As you can see the light is displayed with a blend showing you based on the color how much light will hit a surface.

In Luxrender it is part of the image pipeline and is called irradiance counter lines

No, not yet afaik. False color will show reflected light, being affected by albedo. Post? Not sure.
This map will show received light. While albedo doesn’t affect the map, it does affect how light is bounced.
As an artist, you don’t need to worry about it - just make it pretty :slight_smile: Dialux is for when you need to simulate accurate lighting when something is lighting sensitive, or as a lighting engineer to ensure surfaces receive adequate lighting.

Well I am as in interior designer specifically looking forward to the ability to simulate light.

Dialux is good but expensive

IES lights help but a visual mode to that shows light distribution would be super useful !

Maybe just render out the light on a grey diffuse surface and posterize -> false color in post?