Sin (graphic novel) Art Contest

Red Core Studios is starting a kickstarter to raise funds for issues 2 through 5 of the graphic novel series Sin ( and needs art!

The idea of the contest is to collect art from the deviantart community for 3 interior pages of Sin Issue 2: The Dark City

Artists will portray characters from the comic in any manner of their choosing, so long as it is within the bounds of the story-line and setting of the series.

The characters we wish you to portray can be found at the following links:


Walker Grimm

Tobi Lyons



Terrance Mcreer


Zachariah Bodner

Mustache Man (inside joke in the series)

More characters will be added to the list as we get concept art in.

Some examples of art from issue 1:


The contest is open to any and all who wish to participate


The contest begins today [1/7/2014] and ends [3/1/2014]


There will be 3 winners picked from the submissions. Each winner will have their art featured in Issue 2 of Sin. Winners will also receive free printed copies of both issues 1 and 2.

The first place winner will be commissioned and paid for art in issue 3.

A free digital preview copy of Issue 1 will be provided upon request for reference.

Contest is also taking place on deviantart as all styles of art are eligible as submissions


More concept art
