Single Curved Petal

Hello guys, this is my 1st post here.
Im using Blender for 2 or 3 weeks and only for simple modeling (newbie level).
Currently, you see it in the title, im trying to reproduce a flower with a single petal (see linked image).
The problem is that the white petal is kinda hard to model for me…
I tried with 'Edit mode, ‘Sculting mode’ or by using a ‘Shrink warp’ modifer.
Not good enough to succeed yet but if you have any idea how to do it, im open to suggestion !
Thanks for reading.

Hey! The way I would go about doing this might be to add a circle for the base of the flower, delete an edge or two off of one side for the opening, and then extrude, rotate, scale, extrude, rotate, scale, and repeat until you get the desired shape. Then i might go through and deform the edges of the flower pedal so it isnt so perfect. I would then add a solidify modifier for thickness and a subdivision surface modifier for a smoother pedal.
Let me know if that helps at all.

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Welcome :tada:

…you might have a look at…

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I’ll try that, Thanks !

This answer is so accurate i first thought it was a prank…
Thanks !