Hello people of BlenderArtists. I come here today to request a simple low poly chibi character. This will be used in a game that is being made in Unity 5. I don’t have anything to show because right now, I’m getting together basic assets that will help me start.
Now, you can’t have a game with a character right? So I ask for one chibi low poly generic male character, who wears a backpack. Rigging is also greatly appreciated but not a requirement. I have been using blender but my skills are not good enough to even make the character that I am requesting. I’m mainly a programmer so visuals tend to not be my strong suit outside of Photoshop.
Credits will be given respectively, that is all I can really offer to be honest.
Hello! My name is Juan. I have been using Blender for 3 years now. I have made something that I hope you will find helpful. If it is, I can further animate this character, and edit to your necessity. I have already animated it (and rigged it, obviously) but I am aware that if you use this, it’d need some improvement. I am also a Unity user, so if you require help, I can provide it to you.
All I ask in return is that you follow through with this project (I might just be thinking people tend to do otherwise because most of my friends were like that, but hopefully you will) and that you keep me updated on the project, as well as crediting. Also, if you decide to use this, I will create a prefab and send it to you as a .UnityPackage, as the model would require some tweaking for optimal use in Unity (Ie; Cycles shaders will not go through the pipeline, proper MecAnim importing, etc).
Lastly, I will only include a .gif of the (very rough) walking animation as a side view and a still render of the model in this reply post, and if you approve of it, I will PM you a .blend file, and a .UnityPackage file with the model ready for use in Unity.
Thank you, the character looks nice. I may need a face though.
Thank you, the game is still in the planning stage, I’m new to Unity so it may be awhile before the game development truly begins. I need this model mainly for testing purposes. Being able to work with 3D, figuring out styles that match, etc… So I can’t promise anything besides credits to be completely honest with you. However, if I do, I will definitely notify you. I usually have alot going on, programming is more of a hobby so I do lots of it in different areas (I’m in the middle of another game as well). I came to Unity as it supports C# which is what I primarily use, I’m also learning C++ in hopes to one day create my own independent engine in it.
Have you looked at the godot engine? It is like a cross between unity and blender. Unity is quite easy to learn with a few tutes and a background of at least one programming language. I had the basics down within a month, for both unity and godot.