Sir Slyman Sneaker, can't seem to decide (PLEASE READ TEXT FOR EXPLAINATION FOR WHY IT SUCKS<3)

Sir Slyman Sneaker VS. Bob the Skull animation

The reason why it’s all screenshots and not smooth is because my computer was lagging so much by the end of this that I needed to make entirely different files for some of the different sets. I couldn’t render anything and this was BEFORE I remembered the whole “render animation in viewport” button. So instead I would just use the snipping tool and a video editor to piece together an “animation.”

This was just something I wanted to do to play with all my new characters, I also made an entire building with interior and all ect. I made this a month ago and posted it on YouTube but since I just finished Dog Dreamon I thought I’d post Slyman’s animated debut alongside it.

Hope you enjoy!<3