I started a tutorial series using the Sith Fury ship from the Old Republic MMO as the subject. I thought it would make for a good excuse to go over the basics of modeling in blender.
Thought I’d post the results as I progress with series for some c&c on the model.
Most of the detail on the wings is done! There is the portion on the underside of the back half that flip open that still need work, but that won’t require as much effort or the whiskey to stave off the madness of modeling detail
I am glad to be back at this model! The front landing strut is done. I tried to maintain the look of the in-game model while adding some detail and making it look more ‘realistic’ so to speak. I think it came out well.
Rear landing strut and the ramp supports. The three legs of the landing gear are the same on the in-game model. Each leg looks like the one i modeled for the front of the ship. I wanted a different landing strut for the two in the rear. I searched for some pics of the Millenium Falcon’s landing gear then settled on a plastic part from a big Falcon I remembered was under a blanket of dust.