Skeleton Problems

Hi All,
I recently got the MakeHuman Script, and i am attempting to give it a skeleton. I am following the skeleton tutorial from my Blender Book by Carsten Wartman and i am trying to parent the foot empty with the leg armature. It doesnt as for effector as child. This is a problem later on when i have to say yes to the question. Help?


that tutorial was made for the old IKA, not Armatures. Try looking at the blenderchar website for more up to date tuts on armature.


Answer is Don’t use empties.

Perfect Foot as follows:


Legbone_Null: Connected(not just parented) to the last leg bone, very short bone. You can select the knob at the end of the leg and extrude.

IK_Legbone: Put cursor to the base of the Legbone_Null(where the last leg bone and the Legbone_Null meet) and add this bone. Should be semi-long and sticking out the back of the foot so you can grab it when animating.

Foot_Bone: Start this one at the Legbone Null base and go to the base of the toes, and make 2 bones, the second one at the end short and called Toe_Null. Toe_Null must be connected(not just parented) to it. Just make the Null go sideways and out of the way.

Toe_Null: Read above.

Toe_Bone: Start this at the base of the Toe_Null(where Toe_Null and Foot_Bone meet) and extend it to the tips of the toes.

IK_Toe: Start this at the base of the Toe_Null(again) and run it straight up, make it as long as the Toe_Bone.

IK_Foot: Start this in the heel and go about into the arch of the foot with it. Should be roughly the same length as the Foot_Bone.


Make the IK_Legbone a child of IK_Foot.
Make the IK_Toe a child of the IK_Foot.
The Foot_Bone has no parent.
The IK_Foot has no parent.
The Toe_Bone has no parent.
Both Null’s are children of the bone’s they’re stuck to.


Toe_Bone : Copy location, OB - Armature(this same on all these constraints), BO - IK_Toe
Toe_Null: IK Solver, BO - IK_Toe
Foot_Bone: Copy Location, BO - Legbone_Null
Legbone_Null: IK Solver, BO - IK_Legbone

If you’ve never done constraint’s before, Select the armature, hit the smiley face or Cntrl+Tab. Go to the Constraints window, (Chain link icon)

Press add, then in the top left of the box is a drop down menu to select IK Solver and Copy Location and other stuff.


I assume you know how to connect mesh to the bones, only the Foot_Bone and the Toe_Bone should have any mesh attached to them.


Just grab the IK’s and go for it, in Pose mode.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Guess I should say that I learned this from looking at Blendo and folowwing this tute:

thanks ! :smiley:

what do you suppose would be the best approach to giving her color?