Sketch-based subdivision modeling

Another test, good for general basic shape

I’m now where near a windows machine at the moment so I still can’t play with this, hopefully tomorrow. But I can’t imagine how sketching could be more precise than using bezier curves. If you’re making a curve that bends in all 3 axis, how could you control that, as when sketching you’re limited to the view plane?

Don’t get me wrong I’ll be glad to be proven wrong, as beziers can be a bit of a faff sometimes, I just can’t see how it would work with sketching alone. If you can drag around end/mid points or cv’s, then it’s just curve modelling anyway with the addition of being able to sketch the curves (which is nice), but then surely you still want beziers to refine the curve, cause once again re-sketching it is limited to the view plane. Or am, I missing something?

yes there is not shortcut for fast access the tools

Wohaa that’s really amazing,:eek: i remember the i love sketch for ages, but never find if we can try this software.

Then i try this one, but until now, i have not managed to make objects closed.

I made a quick video

@ Thenewone

even if I wasn´t able to draw right out of the box a line without symmetry (maybe my fault i wasn´t reading the instructions a lot

same problem :mad:
@ kakachiex2

wow the exporter work well a bunch of triangle but i get rid of whit convert tris to quad, geometry is too dense

I am amazed, how did you export the sketch in a .obj file ?

you only need to prss S-KEY and it sabe the model in the app directory untitled obj

i want to try i love sketch but i dont find a demo to test it

you have to draw like this :wink:

Draw one line and hit enter - XD it took me ages to discover it.

So the workflow looks line this
draw 2 lines to get symetry
conect them with line + enter
conect other side and hit enter
slelect trim too,l make circles on corners
hit space to crate surface

Looks like nurbs to me, just with sketching possibilities.

Remembers me of this patch based modeling!

@ Thenewone thanks fr the tips

@ rrtk thanks for these instructions “it took me ages to discover it”

even if i read the tutorial i did’nt find it very clear :-s

here’s my quick try

@ kakachiex2 thank you for this info, for i Love Sketch i think they didn’t make the soft for a ‘public test’ 'cause it was made for the students, but if we send an email maybe we can try. Just crossfingers. :stuck_out_tongue:

@@kakachiex2: wow, that looks intense. You would have to retopo that to make it seem less dense. almost takes the fun out of the program.

It is. The sketching possibilities (and the way they’ve set them up) are the cool thing about the application/research we’re all “wow” about :slight_smile:

Nurbs and subdivisional surfaces are different geometry types. I believe this creates subdivisional surfaces, not nurbs patches.

As a quick aside this already exists in blender in a MUCH simpler (and not as easy to use) form with the mesh from beziers addon, by Truman Blending here:

If mesh from beziers were to be merged with bSurfaces, we’d have the same functionality, as bSurfaces can handle the sketching and re-parameterisation. All you’d have to do would be to add a sub-d modifer to it

thanks is not to easy to get good result but just a matter of getting used
this first prototype is good i imagine what can be doing whit more advanced option like:

  • erase part of curve is not supported right now
  • more flexible trim tools, this only trim en curve not overlapping curve
  • curve and intersection highlight and color curve
  • automatic working plane like ilove sketch
    to get good results you need to draw like patches

Hey guys,

I hear you. I will update the code and add the functionality that you requested. I will share what I have frequently over the course of one month or so.

If there’s anything else that you wanna be able to do with it, let me know.

  • Gunay

Nice i really like this application is as close to drawing



This is a super neat modeling tool.

I hope that the author wont not stop improving it.

it seems that is blog is down, i don’t find any news when googling :-’(

Blender already has some of these features as part of the Bsurfaces addon that is included with blender but has to be enabled and it depends on the grease pencil here is a demo of it and how to use it