These are a couple of quick Cycles renders of a project I did initially to do another Eevee test animation.
and the Eevee render
These are a couple of quick Cycles renders of a project I did initially to do another Eevee test animation.
and the Eevee render
Really nice. About the animation. In my point of view ,the camera movement is too fast, regarding the music score. And you 've got a black shadow passing thru on the right at the end of the movie.
Anyway congratulations. That s really cool
Well done! Impessive skills…
Do you have a tip on how to model the book pages effectively? Curves?
Cheers. Aye, each page has a Curve modifier and its own bezier curve. I also use proportional editing to curl a couple of page corners up a bit as well
Thank you kindly Bart. Yay!
The orc is a drawing or a 3d sculpt laid flat?
Very good. My only critiques are that the camera jiggle is a bit much and the pages look a bit thick.
It’s a scan from one of my real sketchbooks. I like to take a sketchbook to my local pub from time to time to get some drawing done and get away from the computer Plus beer of course.
I did get a bit carried away with the camera The pages are 0.12mm thick. That’s about the equivalent of around 100gms paper I think. The paper in one of my real sketchbooks was actually thicker when I measured it with my digital calipers.
awesommme job great done!
I featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy
Very impressive. It instantly passes the “this is a real photograph of real objects” test.
couldn’t agree more.
Never thought of drawing while drinking. I have to consider.
You have a good hand.
I find it fairly relaxing. I tend to fill those pub sketchbooks with very similar stuff. I must make it clear that no-one in the pub actually looks like any of these. That would be worrying.
I should really make an effort to try and sculpt some of these in Blender. It’s been a while since I tried that.
I recently bought a tablet for the same purpose. It’s still lying there.
From a quick look I’d say my favourite is second from right, upper row.
Well sometime beer can turn people that way, can’t it?
Great work! The sketches also fantastic!
To learn more about this work, read the ‘Behind the Scenes’ that John wrote for BlenderNation: