I have been made this addon for my needs but I can share this with everyone if there is need for this kind of addon. Basicly what is does it will use grease pencil to create strokes. Strokes will disapper/show based camera angle. I use this kind of tool when I’m trying to find new ideas when sculpting.
Here is a small update. Feature that are added:
New pie menu.
Now you can see front view sketch when sketching side view.
Button to delete all strokes
Button to delete only visible strokes.
Button to Show/Hide all strokes
Show strokes front/back
Also here is a rar file if someone wants to give a try. Warning it’s still in beta version.
To activate the addon in blender press CTRL + SHIFT +A
Just a thought: Can you control the transparency of the sketch layer dependent on how far off angle the camera is. That way, when you are 45deg between front and left you see both sketches?
(Rather than just hiding the layer as the camera moves away)
One more update for this day Before if you go from Layout workspace into sculpting while addon has been active it gives an error. Now it solved that addon will close itself before the error. Not the ideal situation but works for now.