Sketchup (SKP) importer

Wow. Thanks so much.

Just added a new release that should work with blender 2.77 and Uses the newest Sketchup 2016 SDK.

Thank You for Your big and hard work for our community!
Greetings and respect.

PS. In first post is wrong link to new version. It’s titled:

But it’s still link to 0.13. It can be manually changed by user (in adress in web browser change 0.13 to 0.15 at the end of web adress).

Hello, is it possible to change te export to the blender internal? or maybe the option to choose wich render engine to use when importing?


Many thanks Juicyfruit.

Yes this can be done. Ill see if I can find some time to add this

Many thanks !

Would you consider ‘claims’ - some models 40+ MB does not seem to import though ?


Thank you for your effort - this is a very useful addon!!
Just imported my first .skp file and all worked great.

Thumbs up!!!

Works great but sadly it is not much of a use for me as long as it turns all the faces into triangles. I need quads because I make all my models in sketchup with quads only (even the most complex ones). No triangles or ngons.
And if there is a flat surface with a hole in it then it can be fixed by the modeller by making the face into tris and quads. It shouldn’t be a reason to not add support for quads and ngons.

Good job nevertheless!

Blendup makes quad i believe, ive only tested a free version, but check and see

Blendup crashes my blender on some skp files, and it does not work as an importer

its a su exporter if i believe, dont want to mislead you here. But perhaps look for some info on the subject. I only tried simple objects so i cant really tell

I am having problems installing the add-on.
After installing (Install from file -> choose .zip file) and trying to activate the add-on.
I receive the following message:
File: “…\”, line 32
Import Error DLL load failed: modul not found

Thanks for any help

Can’t load in 2.77 :frowning:

Thank you !!! Very appreciated !

Same here I cannot enable this addon in 2.77

Ditto. I looked inside the python file but did not have time to pinpoint why it does not load…

I updated with a fix for 2.77 / windows

Bummer… sorry to report its still not loading in 2.77 on windows 10

I have used it on blender 2.77 and windows 7 and worked just fine.
