Skin material with Falloff (method by venomgfx)

For those of you who have not yet read the news entry at blendernation about Simulating Area Lights With Ramp Shaders I can only recommend it.

I played around a bit with the material-nodes version venomgfx showd on hte end of his tutorial and made some changes to use it for skin. I’m not really good at creating these things, but I think it turned out quite good. I’m just posting this here so everybody can have a look and maybe use it and/or improve on it. :slight_smile: .blend file on request (the material has some additional textures to add some different colors to the basic skin).


(Head model by “Jorge” IIRC)

Material node setup

EDIT: Some changes to the procedural texture + a bit of composition-editing …

High-res render



PS: I don’t know if the support/texture forum is the right place for this, but i just want to show a type of shading/lighting. If s/b thinks it doesn’t belong here feel free to move it.

Well, it looks really nice for a terracotta material, but not so much for skin.

Yes, i know, but nothing will spare you the work of manually painting most of the color & structure of the skin yourself if you want a more realistic one. The method shown by VenomGFX is mostly about smooth shading & lighting :slight_smile:

If s/b want’s to improve on this material I can post/upload the .blend-file of course.


IMHO we can make a small contest with that Material as the base… the best results will go to the material repository @ and ill announce the beginning & winners at the frontpage to…
The Official BlenderHeads.Com Human Skin Shader Contest hmm… should it be 2 weeks long?

I really like the idea. I’ve uploaded the simple version [1] of the file here:
It also features a bumpmap that is better pronounced in comparision to the posted renders.

Feel free to use it for whatever you want as long as the license (Creative Commons BY-SA) is respected. :slight_smile:

But I think that this forum is not suited for such a competition (-> WIP-forum?).


[1] No composition nodes (so we can focus on the material) and I’ve removed the human head mesh (it’s not my model).