Skirt falls off character

After I bake the cloth simulation following a tutorial here: the skirt starts to fall off my character on the third animation I imported from Mixamo. Can someone tell me how to keep the skirt on the character as she falls to the ground?

Blend file:

Your skirt has already a vertex group named waist.

use this vertex group as a Pin group and parent the skirt to the hip bone.

for even better result you can use shrinkwrap modifier before the cloth (again using this vertex group) to make the skirt nicely wrap around the waist


How do I parent the skirt to the hip bone? With the skirt and the armature in Edit mode, I attempted to do it with no results.
When I attempted to do the parenting in the Object Properties - Relations tab the skirt collapses (after I bake the cache) as shown in the third image here.

After I posted this, I went back and parented the skirt to the hip bone in Pose mode. That seems to work a lot better.

Thanks so much for responding. The shrink wrap works well, too.

This is what I did here:

Apply a Child Of constraint to the skirt. Target is your armature. Bone is waist or hip as needed. If the skirt object is located in the wrong place click Set Inverse.


Make a vertex group for the skirt’s waist. Select that vertex group as the Pin Group in the Shape part of Cloth Physics.


Thank you @jerzygorskiart for the idea of using shrinkwrap. I hadn’t thought of that.