Slow performance on good hardware?

I’m getting extremely slow performance while editing objects with a “large” number of tris/verts. It happens in every scenario whether I have modifiers or not. I just tried the newest blender release (2.83.2 portable) with the default scene containing a UV sphere subdivided to have 900k tris (tried to upload the .blend but it is too large). No modifiers or anything present on the model. I’ve double-checked my settings in Blender and don’t see anything that should be causing a problem. On my machine (specs below) It takes 3 -4 seconds from trying to move a group of verts/faces/edges until they actually move. It’s making client work nigh impossible without separating an object into separate parts with smaller poly counts. I’ve been having this problem for the last year at least and just ran into a project that I cannot realistically complete without overcoming this problem.

System specs:
CPU: Ryzen 7 2700 (8 core @ 3.2 GHz)
RAM: 32 gb
GPU: GTX 1070 Ti 8 gb

Any ideas what the problem/solution could be?

Some other possibly useful info:
-Hiding most of the verts doesn’t affect this problem.
-Viewport performance is buttery smooth
-As stated, there is absolutely nothing other than a default UV sphere with non-modifier subdivision.
-Using the default UV sphere in a default scene, performance seems to start to be slightly sluggish at 60k tris and scales with increasing numbers of tris.
-Just in case anyone points this out: I know a sphere with 60k tris is overly excessive, but i’m working on a client project with 1.2 million tris that cannot be reduced and cannot be split into separate objects.

Thanks for the time and any help anyone is able to provide :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Would anyone mind opening an empty scene and adding a default UV sphere, then subdividing it (using non-modifier subdivision) five times to get about 500k verts, then selecting and moving a few verts around and letting me know if it is extremely sluggish or not? I just want to know if this is my machine/blender setup or not.

Around 500k verts is 1-3 fps by eye on my machine. Not unworkable, but not comfortable either. 1 mil vert sphere is around a second to move verts.

I’m using an ancient Intel 2600k with a OC that has around the same or slightly lower single core performance in cinebench as your Ryzen 2700.

Based on that I’d guess you should see a bit higher performance, but not much. That’s just how blender currently is with edit mode performance. You can try 2.9 alpha or 2.79. Both should be faster than 2.8x. 2.80 had a pretty big performance degradation that in 2.83 still isn’t on the level it was in 2.79 which was still borderline unusable in some cases. If older or alpha versions of blender won’t give enough performance I’d look to other software. Either doing the whole project there, or just for some
intermediary steps that Blender can’t handle.

Thank you! I’m relieved to hear that it’s nothing specific to my setup. I’ll check out the 2.9 build and downgrade if needed. I would rather not open 3ds Max if I don’t absolutely have to.

Edit: Have you ever happened to serve in the Marines? Asking because of the username.

I would be intrested to hear if there’s a noticable difference in performance in 2.9 as I haven’t had the free time to test it myself. Considering the amount of performance related patches it has recieved I have hope that it doesn’t force you to switch DCCs for some things just due to performance reasons.

Regarding the name - No, I’m from eu so the only contact I’ve had with US military is from a compulsory service. Don’t really have a clue what it could refer to :slight_smile:

I knew it was gonna be about this by reading the title :joy:
Every month or so I see someone asking this… Nothing wrong with that.

Check this thread for the news on performance Blender 2.8 Viewport Performance


Ahhh, ok. It’s a military job code for parachute rigger in the Marines. Was just curious as those codes stick out to me whenever I see them from my service.

I tried the exact same test scene as described before in all three versions. In both 2.79b and 2.83.2 there seems to be about 1000-1200 ms lag as opposed to about 200-300 ms in 2.9 Alpha.

Also, talk about nostalgia with 2.79. I had to re-remember hotkeys :smile:

Also, thanks for the link bloox64. I did maybe an hour of googling total since I first noticed this problem a while ago, but perhaps it would have been best to search here. That thread seems to have answered all my questions, including what I was wondering about some sort of cache ability for verts not being in blender like in Maya. At least 2.9 seems to have quite noticeably better performance, even above 2.79.

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The slowness of edit mode is definitely a thing.

Im choking out a surfacebook3 i7/32gb no problem.

I hold out hope that changing to vulcan or something might change it someday. The foundation is definitely aware of the issue and prioritize speeding it up. I miss 79 too but unless it was made to be more like 2.8 i cant RMB again. It’ll destroy me.

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I have got it up to at least 1 million verts and it started to be laggy but I have a 3970x and 128gb of RAM with a RTX 2080 ti so you are validated somewhat on the hardware but the real question is what you are doing with that many verts and if you need them all. I have more experience in the simulation/physics area of blender and it can get pretty chaotic trying to bake with my system so there are some hardware optimization fixes that could be done for sure.