Slow render in Blender cycles in this situation is normal?

Hello, artist, I need your help!
I’m modeller and sculptor, at the moment I gather my portfolio together and have about 5 hours of render for each camera view. Is it normal???

Thank you for any help!
Here are some works for my portfolio.

If you have any critique or advices how can I improve my portfolio, please write it down or put the links - I’ll study it carefully.

Below I will give characteristics of my computer, object and scene.
Please, say if you need any other parameters.

For render is used 7 of 8 treds for about 100%.
Win 10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4720HQ CPU 2.60GH.z
Installed RAM: 16,0 GB
System type: 64-bit operating system, x-64 based processor

Object and ground Material:
Diffuse RGB all 0.451
Roughness 0.213

Blender 2.76
Verts: 7’143’522 (Faces: 7’140’136)
all objects has Subdiv-surf modif on 2 for render

AO 0.1 distansce 10
3000x4112 px
Samples to render: 900
Clamp indirect: 1

2 Contour Hemy Lights (5 and 8 strength)
1 Fill Spot Light 600
1 Key Light 1200 with shadow
2 Emission material Light planes (5 and 2 strength)


Well you sure know how to sculpt,
amazing work,

Try the solution beerbaron offered you,
lukas stockner is really good at making cycles renderish improvements things… yeah…

the denoiser is really good.

Thank you for answer!
I’m not sure, I understood you correctly, what did you mean with “MI” of my lights? Too many lamps?
In “Light Paths” it is min12/max3.
“Branched Path Tracing” gave me more noice to the picture. I tryed to avoid it with bigger size of samples in rendering.

Could you , please, explain, it. I can put more samples in Scene->Sampling->Samples->Render, but there is no diffuse/AO.
“Spatial Splits” make in my test render for some sec longer :frowning:

I’ll try denoicer!

Oh my…! Your work is excellent and very detailed.

Could you share some scene with the settings you use and where you have noise/render time problems?. You do not get me wrong, I do not ask you to share those great scenes, just some quick sculpt or something with the settings you use (including lighting) and your render time to check that everything is correct.
You can share the scene here:

There’s a checkbox called “multiple importance” on lights (but also material/world settings), it changes the way the rendering works and can reduce noise significantly in some cases.

In “Light Paths” it is min12/max3.

Just try “Limited Global Illumination” in the “Integrator Presets” menu.

“Branched Path Tracing” gave me more noice to the picture. I tryed to avoid it with bigger size of samples in rendering.

You are supposed to increase samples selectively, until you achieve the noise level you need.

Could you , please, explain, it. I can put more samples in Scene->Sampling->Samples->Render, but there is no diffuse/AO.

It’s only there if you use “Branched Path Tracing”.

“Spatial Splits” make in my test render for some sec longer :frowning:

It increases the initial build time, but it should pay off eventually for a longer render.

Sorry for so long waiting.
I have uploded file and I hope it will help to understand the problem.

Thank you! I had it on of some of my lights (I think, I heard it in one of the tutorials)
Thank you! made it
Thank you! ok,
Thank you! yes, I found it! And now I need to put my big number of Samples in each Samples parameter(Diffuse, Glossy, Transmission, ect.)?
Thank you! ok.

Can you provide the render time you get with this scene you shared (defaults settingts, just open and render).
I forgot to ask something about what you had said before:
“For render is used 7 of 8 treds for about 100%.”

What does that mean exactly? Are you seeing this on some CPU monitor?. In ‘Performance’ settings under Render tab, What number appear in “Threads” field if you have selected “Auto-detect”?

Just in case, you note that your CPU has two features that must be enabled from the BIOS: Hyper-Threading Technology and Turbo Boost frequency

And I tryed DENOISER!
on solid objects it work very nice!
Picture is 3000x4112px, and I used 50% of resolution and 100 Samples(with Path Tracing)
first example have no denoiser, second - with denoiser (HW 5).


Yes, I meant CPU threads monitored using Win resourse monitor.
without Denoiser it took 00:41:48
with Denoiser (HW 5) 00:48:59

Yes, we love denoiser :slight_smile:

As BeerBaron said from the beginning, your render times seem ordinary times. Just say maybe if you use Linux you could win a few more seconds on CPU.
Edit: My render time in i7-3770

Linux: 26 sec
Windows 7: 33 sec

Than’s for help! I have no Linux.