I just came across a tutorial on growing Ivy using Blender Simulation Nodes (I followed this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr4SbeAbhYE). The tutorial is great, but for the animation I’m working on, I wanted the ivy growth to be slower.
Does anyone have recommendations on how I could achieve this? I would like the animation to last around 10 seconds, instead of just 1 second as shown in the tutorial.
I just did a quick run through the tutorial and it doesn’t look super easy to time it properly.
One brute force solution is to do smaller extrusions inside the simulation zone, so it takes longer to generate.
Another solution could be to apply the modifier after the simulation and rely on trim curve node to create a growth effect…
But it might not work exactly like a real growth…
Another solution is to take another approach, you can look into how to generate lightnings which looks similar to branches …
This one is good but I’m not 100% sure they speak about how to animate the growth : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHBVcaV8w5M
Anyway, after a few more digging you should get enough info to get what you need.
Feel free to post a file showing where you’re at, and what kind of result you’re after and maybe someone will dig a bit deeper into it !
In the video, he uses Scene Time > Frame to control the Boolean and Rotation of the splines… An easy way to slow down the animation is to set a custom Frame Rate in the Scene > Frame Rate… it should be the default 24 frames/sec. Change it to say 5 or 10 frames a second to see what I mean…