I’ve e-mailed the organiser of the Speed Modelling and Animation Competition a while ago. but lost his e-mail. just for the information, how would you feel about a Speed Animation contest? 24 hours of intense modelling and animating.
I’ve e-mailed the organiser of the Speed Modelling and Animation Competition a while ago. but lost his e-mail. just for the information, how would you feel about a Speed Animation contest? 24 hours of intense modelling and animating.
sounds like a good idea! rushed projects usually come out nice =)
If we have a speed contest, I think someone should have a (not speed.???) contest. I can’t think of a word right now. One that is a few months long, or even longer. To see who can do the most complex, most advanced project. This would in fact be more of a ‘project’ than a ‘piece’ like most are.
dreammaster, u gave me an idea…hmmm, theres the IRTC(internet raytracing competition), so elysiun should have the same…each contest lasts 4 months and has a general theme (ex: adventure)…
hmm, we need a name… blenders is not a raytracer so we must take out the RT, hmm
Elysiuns non Raytracing Cool not Speed Contest
its kinda catchy
If we have a speed contest, I think someone should have a (not speed.???) contest. I can’t think of a word right now. One that is a few months long, or even longer. To see who can do the most complex, most advanced project. This would in fact be more of a ‘project’ than a ‘piece’ like most are.
I like this idea. A lot actually. How about the goal of the project is to create a ‘world’ and a story surrounding it. Think about what Shige did with his ‘Horus’ project. At the end of the contest you would submit the materials that you feel are pertinent to the project including animations, concept art ect ect.
I don’t know if I would be able to participate but I am have lots of ideas and I’m sure I’m not the only one!
That would be awesome, to create a world with a story. I’ve always wanted to make a fantasy like world, but never gave myself and excuse to do so. We would have to allow helper apps like terragen and stuff though. (I’ve never used it, but I’m dying to try.) Maybe we should create a seperate thread to discuss this.
That would be awesome, to create a world with a story. I’ve always wanted to make a fantasy like world, but never gave myself and excuse to do so. We would have to allow helper apps like terragen and stuff though. (I’ve never used it, but I’m dying to try.) Maybe we should create a seperate thread to discuss this.
The question is how do we define ‘project’? I suppose the goal would be to present the maximum amount of information about the storyline and the world in which it takes? The webplugin could have had interesting possibliities here (interactive 3d map?)
On the other hand if you give too much about the world away you spoil suprises you might want to slip into the story itself.
Just some thoughts.
Perhaps project could be something that require multiples shots, scenes, general postproduction, scene extras (trees, rocks, furniture, etc…), etc…
If you think about the commentaries on ‘how they made it’ on movie, lets say maybe a project would have to be something that you could do a commentary on if necessary. (Not really, make one though). Because if it’s not a project, then you shoudn’t be able to say more than a paragraph, but a project you could get into a more lengthy explantion.
I don’t quite know what I’m trying to say, but if someone see’s what I’m getting at please clear it up for me…thanks…
ah… i remember the times of “everybody who wanna do a 15mins™ come to #blenderhead (…and say aye!)”
If you think about the commentaries on ‘how they made it’ on movie, lets say maybe a project would have to be something that you could do a commentary on if necessary. (Not really, make one though). Because if it’s not a project, then you shoudn’t be able to say more than a paragraph, but a project you could get into a more lengthy explantion.
I think we need to narrow the scope. How about this;
Each contestant must create a short trailer (or teaser if you will, trailer entails footage taken from a larger sequence) and present that, along with any concept art on a webpage that will include commentary on where they got the idea about the world and introduce us to the main characters and the overall direction of the proposed storyline. It will be expected that the contestant will endevor to create a distinct aesthetic for the project that will permeate all aspects including the webpage (in other words, presentation counts).
Well thats just my idea to get the ball rolling. It should also be acceptable that they can just create a 5 minute short or something along those lines instead of trying to create a whole world since any work they present would be incomplete and would probably have to presented in episodic format.
The biggest problem for this is time frame. It would obviously have to over a really long period (possibly up to a year) and it might end up with 0 entries. Perhaps the whole idea is unfeasable since it may place too many restrictions on something thats entirely dependent on individual vision.
ok…this drifted WAYYY of topic, but anyway
since we’re talking about it, I love the idea of creating a world. maybe we can make it the new contest after the compositing challenge…
a year is a bit too long. two months sounds better to me.
the baic idea would be to make the world as believeable as possible. A lot of info about it, a language (WEIRDHAT!) that kind of stuff. I heard there are a lot people that do this as a hobby, sickkkoooo’s
anyone up for this?
Sounds awesome to me. I think we’d probably have to have people put their entry on their own website, not on the contest website like most contests, because the entries could get really big.
Yahoo! What a great idea. Good way to lose sleep.