Small happy moments from your life today

A place to share small joyful moments. No doom, no gloom, no arguing, and no complaining are allowed here :grin:

The other day I saw two hummingbirds feeding from my hummingbird feeder at the same time- then a couple minutes later, four very fat birds somehow all got onto my bird feeder and had a cordial community breakfast together. Delightful to watch.

I know, that’s not today, so someone else will have to share a happy today moment :grin:


I had a donut. It was a very good donut.

I’ve only been up for a little over an hour, so not much has happened to me yet.


Yesterday, I saw a slug riding a snail…


Maple bar? Boston cream?


Just a bog standard, no thrills, no frills glazed donut.

It was still good, though.


Less than a day has passed, so I hope it counts as today.

Yesterday me and my brother climbed to the top of a mountain. It had been ages since the last time I did something like that. One hundred years ago, the war was raging all around it and Italy and Austria were fighting brutally. On the top of the peak, there were remains of a fortification. On my way to the top, we have greeted some hikers, some speaking Italian, some German. It is quiet and peaceful, now. Moss has covered everything. There were no sounds. Wind, water and snow have polished the stones of those ruins. Whatever happened, it has been washed away.
I’ve eaten the best sandwich ever on the top of that mountain. It was cheese and speck, but I suspect that any sandwich would have done the job, there.


Spent a couple of hours in a local rural pub, packed with people from the village, lovely weather. All there to raise money for Blood Bikes volunteers, a crucial service for the health service. :slight_smile:
Then home to play some guitar ready for a local music festival next Sunday. Not a bad way to spend ones retirement.


I received an amazing review for my book today which has made me pretty blooming happy! :blush:


Is it out and buyable? Got a link?


We had a walk with my niece along the river. She’s not even 2 yet and doesn’t know me very well so… I tried to connect and eventually we found a little game where I would pursue her and she would hide in my wife’s dress. It felt good


It’s a great initiative


She comes out in exactly 1 month!

The review that made me :blush: (blurred their name for privacy)


lol, my niece is Kara !

And congrats on publishing a book


I met this fox tonight about an hour ago. A friend in Germany asked me to take a picture of a London fox. They have foxes where she is but much more elusive and cautious of humans. This one turned up right on time. It didn’t mind me taking pictures.

The subject came up as the evening before. I was sat under my beloved blue atlas cedar tree in the local park doodling and writing and as it got darker she messaged and I said I was surrounded by foxes. Which I certainly was.

South London. Where the wild things are. Burning bright in the forests of the night.


My cat chased a deer. It was quite entertaining. She screamed at me when she saw them come up the hill. :rofl:


Today I found inside my house a very big yet rare to find around dragonfly, it was like 8 or so cm long, it was quite still to allow me take a very close photo:


My rose plant bloomed 2 roses this morning when I woke up. This was the first time since I bought it last week.


Slightly cheating, because it was yesterday.

We took our breakfast on the balcony, and as it is already late in the year, sun is pretty low again so it’s getting really warm on that balcony → we got the sunshade that had collected dust over the whole summer, in a corner in the garden.

When we had mounted and opened it, turned out two impressively large spiders had chosen it for their home/hideout/lair. Spiders don’t frighten us, so we left them alone and watched them doing their spider things, up there, above our heads. After a while of cautious walking around, the two ended up very close to each other … one had risen one of its front legs, and had placed it so that its tip was touching the other one’s front leg. It appeared they were holding hands. They kept that position for ages, motionless, peacefully … :slight_smile:

Sadly, no foto …


For sure :slight_smile:


Cool! I’m going to have to read that. Looks great and I’m out of good books!

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