Small lag before any viewport navigation


I have this issue that’s driving me super crazy. Basically, often, in scenes with high poly meshes, I get extremely high framerates, but any time I perform viewport pan, orbit or zoom, there’s very short but super-frustrating lag at the very start. Basically, for first half-second of pan, orbit or zoom, viewport sort of jerks behind the mouse cursor.

What is very interesting, is that sometimes, switching away from blender window and switching back to it fixes it, but just for a short amount of time, and it re-occurs later on again. So it is definitely not a hardware issue, framerates are great.

It seems like an issue of hit-testing or some random mesh evaluation.

Does anyone have a solution for this?


EDIT: Now this is EXTREMELY weird. The lagging stops as soon as I have 3ds Max running in the background, and returns as soon as I close it. It’s perhaps a problem of Blender being so efficient it puts GPU or CPU to rest when not doing any viewport interactions, and CPU and GPU then taking some time to wake up when I perform viewport navigation. 3ds Max usually burns some CPU and GPU time even when idle, so that may be it.

Again, any suggestions are much appreciated. The lagging is making me lose my mind!

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Okay, so another update, it seems that for example running OBS while running Blender helps too. It seems like Blender has serious issue where it under-utilizes computer hardware so much it keeps going to idle mode all the time, and then exiting idle mode each time a viewport navigation is performed. This is pretty terrible.

I would really be thankful for any solution to this that doesn’t require having other software running in the backgound just to keep Blender alive.

Look at / change your OS power management settings.

Hello, and how did you solve this problem if you solved it at all?

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I would be very interested too. 8 year old thread and still an issue, despite all the performance improvements.

Yes, the solution, at least for NVidia, is this:


  1. It has to be set in the Global Settings, it won’t work right if you set it just for the Blender executable.
  2. Unlike pretty much any other setting in the global settings, this one only takes effect after you restart your PC, not immediately.

After setting Power management mode in Global Settings in NVidia control panel to “Prefer maximum performance” and restarting your PC, those small lags before starting any action should disappear.


Thanks, my Nvidia global settings are always at maximum, but I still have this issue. It’s the reason I still do as much with heavy meshes as possible in Zbrush. Things that I would prefer to do in Blender I can’t if I want to avoid this issue. Thanks for the answer though. It’s been 8 years. :grin:

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