Small Vilage

this is my first project in 3d environment and i enjoyed it. I did this of course I was assisted by several plant assets from Polyhaven to shorten the processing time, other than that I modeled it myself.

I started learning blender a long time ago, but I’m confused in what way I enjoy it. I tried several things and only environment and hard surface modeling got me excited to do it, but maybe I have to experiment more often.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Amzing!, thank you, I’m glad to hear that.

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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thanks, this makes me happy

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I don’t want to criticize, cause I loved the scene, but you decided to put in the first plan a shattered glass bottle and I believe that in order to make it look less dangerous you beveled the corners, but that kind of corners in a shattered glass you only find in old pieces of glass you find at beaches but they are rough and you couldn’t see the transmission effect. Anyway, it’s just to tell that this kind of glass you only find where you have water and sand to erode the glass. Maybe letting the corners sharp would create a nice contrast in a so peaceful scene, I don’t know.

There are also 2 other small things: the scale is a bit off in that first plan as a fern like this shouldn’t be so small compared to a glass bottle and the grass blades are also much smaller than the thickness of the glass and that seems too small. But the biggest problem here is that fern leaf that travels inside the glass like a ghost through the walls. This would not be a problem in the background, but for something so close It would be good to take care of that.

The scene is really great and I loved the translucency of the background leaves. and the volumetrics.

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Thank you for giving me advice and criticism, at first I didn’t realize all that until you said it. From here I can learn valuable lessons. I must be more thorough in all things and not rush into this work.
I need people like you to judge what I do and from those mistakes I will continue to improve and learn new things. i’m new to this,
I really thank you for taking the time for this.
Sorry if my English is bad


Don’t be sorry at all. My English is also terrible. I could understand you perfectly and that’s all that matters. :wink: I’m glad you liked it. I’m here to help if I can.

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Love the concept, and how you did all the things. At first glance, the scene looks absolutely phenomenal. You really pushed yourself to your highest.

I do have an advice though. After staring at your piece for awhile I start to notice some problems with the scaling of things. My advice is to use a human figure as a reference for scaling everything in your scene. For instance, you could imagine how big or small your objects should be by just comparing it to a human figure in your project. That way everything can work a whole lot better cohesively without having some things looking out of place. If you need a human figure, I have a CC0 figure for you to use as a scaling reference. Hit me up for that.

Another I’d suggest is to not use images for your backgrounds in post. Because when we zoom in we can tell that the background is out of place. Instead, create lots of trees in the back and lower them down a tad so it covers up the transparent parts of your background.

Its important for artworks to look good at first glance and also after staring at it for awhile.

Hope this can help you achieve more things in the future. Hope you don’t take this the wrong way as well. Love the piece anyway, so continue the good work. Cheers!


thank you for your time that you give to give me advice, it really helps me in my work in the future.

I have human figures too but I rarely use them, but now I never forget that, how important it is.
I didn’t really pay attention to the scale I was using at first. once i found out that i realized something was wrong, but i’m quite satisfied with this start.