Smart City Concept 1

First test of Smart City
By asking the right questions of what is really a smart city, we can find out what is essential and what is not. For me the most important was the ecology. It’s the reason why I created buildings to retain water, which would then be used to produce energy and redistribute it, systems to purify waste water, and nearby fields to encourage short circuits. Some buildings are also equipped with solar panels and wind turbines. But as I’ve been thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that the best solution would be not cities but well-designed villages. And on a smaller scale, it’s also easier to get organized. So this is a first sketch that needs to be more natural, closer to nature, more human-scale.

Hope you will like it :slight_smile:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank You Bart, have a nice weekend too :blush:

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