Smart Fill Addon 1.4.0 - Blender 2.9.3

Thanks for the feedback, will look intep this. Just so you know,you don’t have to delete a face to bridge, it will give you no extra face, but you are probably just doing this for testing right?

either way it should not give you an error.

I will do my best to fix this, thanks!

Nah I wasn’t aware of that. Same issue even if the faces aren’t deleted, I appreciate the tip though, saves me a few clicks in the future.

Just bought the addon I’m using it on Blender 2.78 and it works great, it saves me a lot of time, Thank you.

Bought the plugin. Ty !

Glad you guys liked it!

More updates will come in the future. At the moment i am working on my UV addon (Smart UV) and are focusing everything on that, it will be a lot of work. But as soon as i am done with that i will go back and continue with this one.


Okay so this week we will try to fix errors for smart fill. I have attached an image with issues i have counted up so far. Nr.5 can not be fixed for sure right now but if you guys have any more errors, please post them here so we can fix them.

Can’t wait for this update :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that :wink: Keep in mins that it’s not 100% that theese issues can be fixed. we are doing our best.

Looking forward!

Okay an update has been added to smart fill! Keep in mind that this probably needs a lot of testing. Hope you guys like it. No video tutorial is up yet but i will do my best to add one as soon as possible!

Keep in mind that smart fill uses a two step sollution to fill more advance holes, this will cause a lot of holes to have a portion of it that is perfect and some other that is not. always press down shift and rotate your mmb to fix those faces. I will explain more about this workflow in the video but in the meantime have a look at this image.

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Okay the line bug has been fixed now. Video comming soon.

Hi JimPaw80. I purchased this plugin, oh, probably a year ago. There were a number of cases in which it wasn’t working, or I needed the default fill behaviour so I ended up disabling it until I reinstalled it today with the latest updates. With the most recent 1.2.1 patch, it seems to be working much better so far, and I really appreicate that you’ve made it easier to work in conjunction with the default fill behaviour. Even so, if you find the time at some point, what I’d most like to do is have “Smart Fill” be assigned to an alternate keybind (such as Shift-F) while leaving the default behaviour to the F-key, rather than the other way around. For the cases where I want to invoke Smart Fill, it’s beautiful (so I’d prefer to not to disable entirely) but most of the time (maybe it’s just old habits), I find that the default behaviour is what I’m after. I hope will be possible to achieve in a future patch.

Thanks for the feedback! I will implement that for sure. I also have another version on the way that fixes the undo error that a few people are having but i am still awating some feedback from some users.

Hi @Jimpaw80 I’ve discovered a bug that causes Blender to crash, it’s been a pain in my ass for a while but I only just got enough time to actually work out which addon was causing it. I have isolated the issue and the crash can be reproduced consistently. In addition, as soon as I disable SmartFill the crashing stops.

Here’s the blend file. Just select the open edge and try to fill.
test_001.blend (561 KB)

Love this addon otherwise though! Keep up the good work! :smiley:

That does not produce any errors for me.

@jimpaw80 That’s really odd. Crashes every time for me. I’m using 2.78c and the latest smartfill available on gumroad.

Do you have any suggestions?

I tried your scene and got a hard crash too with newest smart fill. It also started to spin my pc cpu fan like crazy.

Tried Jakro’s scene as well in 2.78c Windows, same problem. Whether I leave the selection the way it came or change it to the hole’s vertices, it hard locks blender and the CPU running at 100%. I used the most recent copy of Smart Fill from gumroad, 1.2.1 according to the source.

This looks like an ideal scene for fixing whatever infinite loop issue it is though. jimpaw, try selecting different amounts of vertices of the hole and you can see that it doesn’t always connect all the vertices selected or skips over some. It even skipped in your screenshot. If you select them all, then it locks up but if you select all but a corner, it fills but will not fill the last three vertices(a simple triangle). In fact, it will not fill any 3 vertices that make up the three corners of the cube.

Also, blender’s Make Edge/Face (also f key), fills the hole fine.

Thanks a ton to all of you guys for showing this out, i will do my best to try to fix this!

Okay a new version is out, let me know if this fixes your crashes,bugs and other issues. Version 1.2.2