Smoke and fire quick effect offset from emission object

I am using blender 3.5, and I am a beginner.

When I apply a Quick Effect > Fire and Smoke on any mesh object, the effect shows offset from the emission object:

I tried to resize and move the outer box (I think it is called domain) so that the effect also moves and resize with it, but it did not work.
I have not scaled, rotated or done anything to the mesh object before applying this effect.


It might have happened because of the various reasons. Maybe you just did something wrong but haven’t noticed it? Or maybe you should try to reset your Blender settings to the factory ones and try that again.

Anyway, try to watch this one video tutorial:

It explains how to make smoke and fire simulation

P.S. if you want, you can drop your .blend fire here and I’ll take a look at it

I reinstalled blender still the problem not solved. Maybe it is a bug in blender 3.5. There is no relation between the effect (smoke and fire) inside the domain and the flow object. Even if i delete the flow object or resize it or move it out of the domain there is no effect on the fire and smoke inside the domain.

Just try to download the newer version, which is 3.5.1

P.S. I remember made that simulation in Blender 2.93 and, as far as I remember, in 3.0 or 3.2. It worked well.

I’ve also found something similar here. Hope it will help you: