I’m not entirely sure if this goes here, or with rendering since my issue is with rendering a smoke simulation. Believe it or not, the problem is NOT that I can’t get the smoke to render, but that I can’t get it to render at the proper size.
I decided to try my hand at animation and I did a few clips. In my most recent one I tried to have an explosion on a building and then have smoke come out. Now, I figured out how to run the simulation, and I even figured out how to get it to render, but for some reason it renders very small.
As you can see in the picture, in the 3d view you can see how large the smoke is supposed to be, and next to it you can see just how small it appears. Both the domain and the flow objects are scaled properly, both at 1,1,1. At first I assumed that was my problem and I just had to apply the size of domain or something, but it was already applied. I even deleted my original and did it again from scratch. When that failed I figured there might be some random setting messed up in my animation so I started a whole new scene and redid it from scratch again. Every time the smoke just keeps on rendering supper small. What drives me crazy is I seem to be the only one experiencing this. Every tutorial I have seen just clicks the render button and there you go, smoke, that’s scaled properly!
Below is the blend file of my last attempt.Thanks in advance for the help