Smoke simulation renders with gaps on fast moving object

I understand that this problem occurs because the “flow” object moves very fast (in 60 frames 72 meters) and a little sideways. But how to fix it? I have tried all possible settings (sampling substeps at maximum, resolution divisions I changed from 50 to 500, tried to change timesteps), but nothing helped.
By the way, I do not need to use this simulation of smoke, so if there are suggestions how to make a beautiful and realistic trace of the missile, with pleasure I will listen. Or if you know exactly how to solve this problem, then please advise values for settings to get a beautiful trace.

The render shows the trace from the first missile and if you look closely, it also shows gaps, but not as obvious as the second.

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“blenderartists” wouldn’t let me upload four images at once, so here are the settings:


You could go around the lack of substeps by making the entire animation 2x slower and then rendering 1/2 images using the “frame step” feature.

An other solution would be not to use a smoke simulation and instead use a particle system. In fact, if the trails have to be very long, particles might be better suited, as they are not limited by the size of a domain and are faster to bake.

Finally, it could also be done without any simulation, using a mesh object that gets converted to volume.