So I’m making an explosion in 2.91 for a character to appear in it, and I don’t know why but I’m getting this result a 200 resolution, I want the smoke and fire to look plain and smooth like this :
I guess your image is not a render but a viewport display screenshot, isn‘t it?
You may want to set the density attribute quiet high to get the wanted result.
Did you try that? Can you post an actual render with material settings for the smoke?
I’ve already watched both, I didn’t tell you want I wanted to achieve.
I want to make an explosion in the hair, like out of nowhere and once it touches the floor make a wind blow forward, hence, the smoke be pushing back and reveling my character. Is it clear ? Tell me If you want me to reformulate
That is really a lot. You try to simplify the scene leaving only the elements that matter regarding the thread, the character and the smoke simulation. Delete everything else remaining and you save the .blend file with a different name than your project, then share that .blend file.
In principle you are using a basic default setup and Eevee. You did not configure a proper Smoke + Flame (fire) shader for the Domain material, and in Properties panel and Render tab > Volumetrics you did not enable “Volumetric Shadows” which is very important to get the details in smoke for Eevee.
Here your modified file and using an old procedural shader for smoke and flame that I had downloaded from somewhere: Smoke and fire_mod.blend (1.2 MB)
You look for tutorials in this regard, such as the following:
Here is the tutorial for the procedural shader I used: