Smooth radius in corners and long curved sections on mesh

I am modeling a truck and seeing what is a good way to get well rounded smooth corners for the areas circled in red. Also how to get a bowed section for the areas pointed to with the arrows.

It seems to me you found one bad way to do it. :smiley: I would aim for something like this:

This was done by rounding the corners with bevel around an n-gon and then using inset. So, you probably need to plan the modelling a bit better. You can disconnect parts, then reattach them again, you can plan various operations one after another. For example, it is likely this surface is not flat, although my method is sort of for a flat face, but I can do this first, then deform everything into any form I want. It’s hard to explain. It comes with practice. But I think trying to plan ahead is the thing that can be helpful.

I was already in the process of doing what you are showing, all though not a eloquently as you did. Yes the surface is curved, I am going to add two loops cuts parallel to the edge, then shrink wrap it to another mesh. Thanks for replying.