I don’t know exactly what is going on, been using blender for a while now and I’m in the middle of this project when I realized that the shading on the screen is doing weird things, is just like if the smooth shading wasn’t working and I don’t know what to do.
The animation goes from top to bottom in this view so the screen is going to be visible 100% I can’t avoid the error so i don’t know if you guys have had the same problem. I’ve tried to remove vertices just in case the geometry was duplicated, increasing number of subdivs doesn’t change anything either, don’t know what to do next to be honest.
The weird thing is that in the viewport when it’s not rendered it looks fine, like the curvature does not look tessellated but once i visualized in render mode it looks like that (see images)
Have you checked the normals for the screens? Sometimes when they’re not all facing the same direction it can do weird things. Try the 3d viewport overlays and click face orientation. This will show you the normal orientation when it is selected. If it is all one color then all the normals are facing the same way. If they’re all blue, then the normals are facing outwards. But if some are red, that means those normals are facing the opposite direction so you would need to fix them. You could try A, Alt N, then Recalculate Outside. This will select all the faces and recalculate the normals to face outwards. Or you can select the individual faces with the wonky normals and flip them by using Alt N, then Flip.
Also you might have duplicated vertices. I know you said you removed some in case they were duplicated but sometimes you can’t see the duplication because it is so close. So make sure that you select all of the vertices for the screen and try merging by distance. So A, M, then By Distance. You can expand the merge by distance box if you want to make the distance less than .0001m. That might fix it. That may have been how you did it already though.
I hope one of these suggestions helps. Neat project by the way.
It was a shader issue… Sorry but the material was a little bit complicated and it was a file with 3 people working on it at the same time so this things happened. Everything is solved now, thanks a lot for your help guys