Smooth Shading Problem

Hi everyone,
I get this weird shading when i enabled smooth. What causes it and how to resolve that?

Smooth_problem.blend (483.5 KB)

I moved below part of the mesh with proportional editing, thus faces are non-planar (is that a problem?). Weird shading appears at other areas as well depending on lighting angle in renders.

I’ve quads topology and face normals look fine to me (aren’t they?).

Tried flipping these triangulations to one side only but it didn’t fix the problem.

Upload your blend file and I will look at it.

I did , it’s at the beginning.

terminator effect.

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you can use the subsurf modifier

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I did a quick research, if i understood correctly it’s a ray-tracing issue and that does not necessarily mean my mesh topology is bad, am i right?
And resolving this issue only possible with subdividing (or SS modifier) the mesh?

Thanks @anon18318387 , this resolves the issue. I didn’t consider this in the first place since the mesh is actually a part of a bigger architectural structure. So, adding lots of loop cuts will be a pain on other parts :sweat: (edge crease causes shading issues as well)
If there is any trick on adding SS modifier on part of mesh, i would like to hear.

Yes, the terminator issue doesn’t mean that there’s any problem with geometry, just that it’s too sparse. It can be solved easily by adding more loops (subsurf modifier is the easiest way). Also note also that using a big light source and GI softens this artifact so that it might not be a problem in the end even without changing it.
If you want to use SS on part of a mesh just separate it as a new object. You can then apply the modifier and manually delete some loops to make it lighter.

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Selam Sinan
Topoloji de sorun yok,
Biliyorsundur ama genede hatırlatayım;
Mümkünse Subsurf kullandığın zaman Apply yapmaktan kaçınırsan işlemciyi pek zorlamaz, başka modifierlar kullanacaksan Subsurf modifier genelde en altta bulunursa iyi olur.
Ana modele subsurf uygulayıp etkilemesini istemediğin kenarları seçerek
N tuşu > Edge data > Crease değerini artırmakta bir seçenek olabilir.