Smoothing does the opposite?

Hello! I’m in trouble. Trying to smoothen the edges of an SVG after having extruded it, converted it into a mesh, and re-meshed it. Seems like the voxels are corrupted somehow. Help??

Thanks X

Let’s back up a step;

  • why was it remeshed?
  • posting the SVG or the blend file will likely be of value

Following a tutorial, new to blender. I guess in order to be able to sculpt it in the first place?


Here are the files!

and here’s the tutorial :slight_smile:

Ok… not the goal I was expecting…

I managed to sit through enough of that tutorial, to suggest that you rewatch around the 3 minute mark, then study how she creates the voxel density with the remesh. The result in your file was far too low-poly.

thanks! I’ve tried it on multiple computers and gotten it right once already, but cant seem to replicate it. Also, low-poly meaning resolution? I put the voxel size to 0.0005. :slight_smile:

Also, the tiniest bevel makes it go crazy, idk if that might be a clue.

Things you need to do with that file…
In Object mode - Alt-A >> Rotation, then again Alt-A >> Scale.
At the moment the mesh is badly stretched along 1 axis only. Always keep an eye on the side panel in the 3D window…

Go into edit mode, select everything and press M >> By Distance. This will remove all the double vertices in the mesh. You always need to do this after converting a curve/svg from another app into a mesh in blender.

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did as said and it deleted 800-some verticals, still the same issue.

the tool doesn’t really face the right direction. (excuse my vernacular)

Maybe you just import the SVG again, convert it to mesh, extruse, add a middle line with subdivide and smoothness 1 and thenu se a s subdivision modifier and then a remesh and sculpting… ??

You also have some kinks in you curve like in the d ( magnified green d and very very magnified grey d area ) :

Too bad… i tried to look at the SVG in Inkscape… and maybe make a beter “inset” (shrink In Inkscape) it to make some beter geometry… but the the curves does have differerent amount of polyline count (even if origianl skrunk and grown again…)…

Maube there is any combinded beziercurve to specially set of number polyline converter somewhere ???

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There seems to be a problem with the scene setting itself. :thinking:

Please try with the attached file. If you apply the Remesh, it will be applied equally.

sasa.blend (241.4 KB)

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LEGEND! you fixed it :slight_smile: don’t understand how you got there though… big up!

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There was also a problem with Sculpture’s brush setting, and the remesh did not work properly.

I couldn’t check and modify all the settings, so I brought SVG to a new project and made it new. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey! Could you please explain what you think is messing with the remesh? I’ve tried everything with the help of chatgpt without any progress…

I can sculpt any native mesh elements without any problems. It must be the svg and / or the software processing settings somehow.

Would you recommend me reinstalling blender to see if it helps?

The cause is unknown.
I’ve been trying to look it up, but I don’t have enough information and it seems like I need a lot of time to keep finding the cause.

Most of the time, you decide to recreate it rather than fix it or determine the cause.

If you think there’s something wrong with your blender’s default settings, you have the ability to initialize them.


When you open a file that you think is problematic, it is also helpful to disable UI settings from loading.

※ In this case, UI setting exclusion did not work.

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For me, the preference options are not available when importing an svg. I did load factory settings but unfortunately same result. I even deleted Blender completely and updated my computer, same result. I’ve also tried multiple svgs and the same problem occurs…