Btw i couldn’t choose what to create, so a friend suggested to create a snail, very wittily
I like to use Grease pencil together with Noise modifier, it’s looks cool, but this time i was raned into problems with GP. It doesn’t look pretty, because snail is rounded, so when moving a camera we will see a strokes on the body, so i decided to use outline with Solidify modifier because there is a outline around the object even if you move the camera.
Just static picture.
I used few GP strokes for face,shell and one hand. Outline with Solidify modifier doesn’t have something like Grease Pencil’s Noise modifier, so “noise effect” was achieved by deforming and animating the meshes with Simple Deform modifier, also in Graph Editor i added Cycles modifier, to not create a lot of keyframes. On the whole, i liked this experiment.