I then want to snap that vertex back to it’s original position, by making it align with other vertices on the same cube. In this case along the green (y) axis.
To make the vertex snap back, I enable the following buttons:
‘snap during transform’ magnet
select ‘snap to vertices’ from the drop down
‘snap onto itself’
‘closest’ snap target
After making those changes, when I drag the transform gizmo along the green (y) axis, and get close to the original position, it does NOT snap back to the position or give me a circle indicator. It does nothing.
It’s called Snap to Vertex, not Snap Back to Original Position. The vertex will now snap to other existing vertices, not to where they used to be. You can achieve the effect you want by going into side-view and snapping it to the vertex behind it, moving it only on the y-axis.
Thanks Jeen. But given the symmetry of a cube, the snapping feature should in fact make it return to the original position if sliding along the axis. Even if the feature isn’t called that explicitly. Maybe my diagram wasn’t clear.