Snap vertices to circle?

I can’t work out how to do something fairly simple, so I thought I’d ask.

I have a pentagon with each side made up of 4 vertices - so 20 vertices in all (see attachment).

What I want to do is make the vertices change their positions slightly so they form a 20-vertex circle instead of a 20-vertex pentagon. I can’t for the life of me figure out a simple way to do it.

Of course, I could do it by hand, snapping one vertex at a time to a vertex on a circle and then delete the circle, but I may want to do this process to a pentagon with a lot more vertices, so the slow and simple method won’t work.

Any thoughts?


Select all the vertices in the pentagon, and look under the ‘mesh tools’ panel, and press the ‘To Sphere’ button. Set the percentage to 100% and it’s done! You’ll have to scale it accordingly once you’ve done that, though.

Gotta love tools that do all the dirty work for you. :slight_smile:

Fantastic! I tried this but stupidly didn’t think to snap the cursor to the pentagon first - the sphere is centered around the 3D cursor position - nice answer, thanks very much Joe!