Snapping bezier's vertices on a mesh

I’m following this tutorial about creating hairs but i’m stuck becouse i can’t find a way to create a curve snapping on an existing mesh as he is doing at 8:20.

i’m have 25+ year expertise on modelling and 3D buti’m a total noob with blender so be patient please!! :slight_smile:

Welcome :tada:,

haven’t seen the video yet but snapping is enable with the magnet icon (top of edit mode… also vertex, edge etc.) and best to see the vertices of another mesh is to enable (on the right) Obejct Properties → View Display : Wireframe for this…

Experince is welcome… we all learn here every day :wink:

(Oh yes he is just saying let’s turn on snapping on ~7:33 … better would be …by clicking on this icon here … with some graphical emphasizing …)

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Tnx @Okidoki for you reply!

i think i’m doing everithyng correctly but i can’t manage to have the vertex to be created over the target surface.

If i have understand correctly, in the video, he have created a bezier, then have deleted all the vertexes an then, being in edit mode, is creating the new vertexes.
He doesen’t seem to have selected some tool like the curve pen or something…

also i see he is clicking the middlemouse button while he is holding pressed the contrlo button… but it doesn’t seem to work for me!

Ahh this is a really bad key notifier… you can directly move (G) the points or delete all expect one and move this one and then extrude the bezier with E… oh yes now i see… he seems to delete all and then add with Ctrl-RMB … (didn’'t knew this :sweat_smile:)… interesting… but extruding and snap also does work…

Hmm maybe just selected on surface but did enabled snap (magnet icon) ??

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Hold Ctrl, and you should see available actions at the bottom of the screen:

Like @Okidoki says “add with Ctrl-RMB”. With Snapping enabled it should create a new vertex on a surface. If you had a vertex selected, the new one will be connected to it (“Extrude” option). If everything de-selected, the new vertex will be disconnected (“Add” option).

Although it would appear the guy in the video inverted his mouse buttons (which seems to be doing more than just changing mouse buttons), so it might cause some confusion.


that’s helpful!
since i’m pretty new to blender i’ve to make new habits and looking in the bottom left seems to be a good one!!

Now i see: in the video he uses CTRL+Left mouse button… with CRTL+Right mouse button does the job!!

tnx a lot!!