Snapping to curved surface?

Hey guys,
Im try to snap object to curved surface. But i have problem when i move the object the object not follow the curve (rotation) of the other mesh. I do exacatly same as he on this tutorial 5:22 (
Or is here another way to snap it?
Thank you.

you need to make sure that the origin is on the surface you want to stick, and that the Z normals goes towards the good direction. Also, in the Snapping options, enable Align Rotation to Target

Thank that work but not as i want. The mesh is not complete snapped why not ?:confused:

It not follow the curve :confused:

mmh not sure what you mean, snapping won’t deform your object, if you need a deformation there are several ways but actually the best solution will depend on your project…

I mean if i make the snap the snapping is not correct the shape is round and the snapping is flat.
Here is the wrong.

And here how i want it. This i made with extrude face from the rounded object.I know i can extrude and separate it.But is possible to get same ressult with snapping?

no you won’t have any deformation with snapping, it will only rotate your object, if you want to deform your object you can do it manually, or through a modifier like Surface Deform etc…

no you won’t have any deformation with snapping, it will only rotate your object, if you want to deform your object you can do it manually, or through a modifier like Surface Deform etc…

Exactly what moonbots said. Using the Object snapping only affects the Object not the Mesh unless you’re actually doing it on edit mode to snap the geometry. What you could do is to have the rounded object be just a plane, object snap and then use the Modifiers: Shrinkwrap → Solidify. This will make editing non-destructible while following the form you want.

This is the best method that I’ve found:


except the base of the object he wants to snap has thickness

Doesn’t matter… you can keep that thickness depending on how you set up the vertex groups, and the curvature of the snap target of course… too extreme a curvature and something thin like that won’t work too well.