I’m trying to transition from Max to Blender 2.8 and I have a question. It seems that the Knife and Bisect tools in Blender only snap to vertices of the object that’s being edited. Is is possible for me to use other objects’ vertices as snapping targets?
Why I need this is because I want to slice my object (wall for example) according to the AutoCAD drawings by using windows/doors etc. as snapping targets for Knife and Bisect. However, since the drawings are separate objects from the one that I edit, Knife and Bisect don’t seem to want to snap to them.
Any ideas? Or am I doing it completely wrong and the approach to do this is completely different in Blender? How do you model stuff like buildings from drawings with precision tools like snapping? Thanks in advance!
No afaik.
I was sure it is possible, if you select the object to be cutted and the object to snap additianly to the first with shift.
But the knife tool disables all snapping except on the cutting object, which is not necesarry because it is already limiting the cutting to the selected object. So it could leave the snapping on for all, but it does not. I think its worth an post on https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/