Just wanted to get your feed back on the snow man scene I submitted for the Blender Cookie snow man competition. I didnt get a lot of attention on this one, which I was affraid of since I didnt get to spend as much time on it as I was also working on my Letters to Santa render for the BG competition which did much better.
I’m pretty sure I know why this one didnt work out so well but I wanted to get your feed back. I will post the high resolution link a little later today.
its hard to understand at first, but i think its a fight between snowmen? or like a ‘King of the Hill’ with snowmen terms?
Anyway it seems as though this snowman is the victor, and all the others have fallen to his…blade hehem ‘broomstick’…
any way i like it, but the colors seems really dense, as if there isnt alot of light. But with that much snow on the ground you would have a lot more refracted light. (try maybe an octogon shape emitting light from random points on the ground?) also snow is very wet, but it doesnt seem wet but more…dry.